How to use adsense ads efficiently

Given below are the three important points about the efficient use of the google adsense.
  • Less is More  This concept is really simple yet I hadn’t really given it much thought before. First off the top ad is the highest paying ad and you want that in the best possible position.
Secondly, if you’re using all three of the allotted Adsense units on a given page then there are quite a few ads all competing for attention or a click through. However, if you only use one Adsense unit then you’re limiting the number of ads served and improving the likelihood that one of those ads will get clicked. Therefore, the theory is that an advertiser will be willing to pay a higher rate for less competition.

  • Size Matters
 If you read enough Adsense guides you’ll find that the 336 x 280 Large Rectangle is the most effective Adsense unit. It typically offers four ads and they are likely to be very related to the topic based on the position between the post title and body.

  • Position
Placing your Adsense unit above the fold is imperative for success. This makes sense to me for one reason. Every day my site (and I assume most sites) gets a majority of it’s traffic from search engines. This traffic is generated from people searching for something. So when they land on my page and they decide that it’s not the content they were looking for then I want them to see the Adsense unit right where they land so that becomes an “outclick” option.

Use ful Adsense revenue sharing sites

·        Simpy : Simpy is a social bookmarking service. With Simpy, you can save, tag and search your own bookmarks and notes or browse and search other users’ links and tags.

·        Squidoo : The popular (free) site for creating single webpages on your interests and recommendations. Even earn money for charity or yourself

·        HubPages : HubPages is your online space to share your advice, reviews, useful tips, opinions and insights with hundreds of other authors. HubPages is completely free.

·        Google Earth Hacks : Google Earth Hacks provides links to interesting content found or created by users like you and gives you quick access to check things out in Google Earth.

·        Trend Hunter : The largest community for Trends, Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting, and Innovation. Fashion Trends, Style, Gadgets, Technology, Pop Culture, Art, etc.

·        Kernel Trap : is a web community devoted to sharing the latest in kernel development news. 80% of the revenue generated from these ads will be credited to your account.

·        Beep The Geek : BeepTheGeek is a tech blog that was started on March,2008 aimed to write tutorials on Windows, blogging, Google Adsense and Photoshop.

·        Flixya : Flixya is a social network that puts 100% ad revenue in your pocket. We’ve built the tools for you to share your videos, photos, and blogs.

·        Xomba : It Combines key elements from social networking sites, weblogs and contextual targeted advertising, they have created a community that is a nurturing environment for anyone willing to post and share their own ideas.

·        Free Range Stock : Photographers submitting photos to Freerange Stock can now participate in our revenue sharing system. This is implemented through Google AdSense, and will allow you to keep 80%.

·        Shout Me Loud : Shoutmeloud primarily focuses on Blogging, Make Money online, WordPress, Web 2.0, Internet tools. Their motto is knowledge sharing and they believe in connecting with readers and they respect every individual point of view.
·        Devils Workshop (DW) : Devils Workshop started as a technology blog in June 2006 by Rahul Bansal, focusing on posts covering latest trends, news and analysis from the fields of internet, technology, social networking, computers and mobile.

·        Tricks Daddy : TricksDaddy is a tech blog that was started on August 2008. It focuses on posts covering blogging, windows customizing, internet tips and tricks, latest trends, mobiles, social networking.

·        BlogEngage : Blog Engage is like an interactive social network and it allows you to submit your Blog Article(s) that will be reviewed by all and will be promoted by me or our visitors to the main page.

·        India Study Channel : India Study Channel is an educational portal providing reliable and comprehensive information on educational institutions, examinations, education system, exam results, entrance examinations, previous years university question papers etc.

·        Soul Cast : In Soul Cast, you can blog anonymously without constraints, write about anything, from personal blogs to sex blogs, because we protect your privacy.

·        Info Barrel : is a Shared Revenue Social Media Community. They are creating a venue for writers, media producers and other content developers to publish their material and create an extra revenue source.

·        YouSayToo : : YouSayToo is an ad revenue sharing community for bloggers. At YouSayToo users can start their own blogs, upload flash games, images and make revenue using Google AdSense.

·        She Told Me : She Told Me is a Digg-like with a 100% AdSense Revenue Sharing program. This is how to promote a blog or website while earning money at the same time.

·        Bloggeries Forum : Bloggeries Blog Forum is a place for bloggers to discuss blogging. Also includes blogs for sale, free wordpress themes and blogging jobs.

·        That’s Pretty Dumb : That’s Pretty Dumb is a kind of site that which Highlights the stupidest things businesses do to us.

·        CallingAllGeeks : Calling-All-Geeks is a niche blog for iPhone, Gadgets and Twitter lover. Here you will get all the latest Information about iPhone Application, Apple news, Twitter tools, Twitter news, Latest Gadgets and software review.

·        Blogger Party : Blogger Party is a blog hosting website centered around its community, where all your blogs are displayed on the front page of the site.

·        Gurusonline : Gurusonline provides various Tutorials, Tips/Tricks which will be helpful you to make money online. Go through the articles frequently to know various steps you could even try to make some money in your free time.

·        Chaaps : is a Techno Blog. In Addition to Technology, Social Media Updates, Updates on Television Commercials and Reviews on TV ads. Appreciates Creative Advertisements on Television.